Do you feel like you have more than you can handle? Are you thinking “I’ve got so much on my plate right now. I’ll never get done!”

Having plenty to do isn’t a bad thing. It’s a blessing. Especially when we consider how quickly many people’s jobs and businesses were impacted this Spring by COVID.

Lost revenues, lost jobs, lost educations…

And we all had a choice. Sit at home and bemoan the facts. Or get busy and start filling up our days.

The Choice

Now, please don’t take offense at this. But most of us know at least some people who decided to simply sit at home and pocket unemployment benefits when COVID hit. And now, those same folks are worried about what’s next.

Time Compression & Having More Than You Can Handle

Here’s the larger point when you feel you have more than you can handle: What you plan to do each day is what you will do each day.

It’s called Time Compression and, to put it simply, it works.

Basically, it works like this. If you give yourself or someone else a task to do and attach a time limit to that task, the amount of time you give them is ususally the amount of time they’ll take.

Give your kids a day to clean their rooms – they’ll take a day. Give them an hour and guess what? After an hour, that room is done.

Imagine if you could harness that same power in your own day, life, and career? You can!

Fill Up Your Schedule

Fill up your schedule! Make those appointments! Reach out to people – your banker, your attorney, your CPA. Make time to speak with them about what is going on in your business, in your career. Find out how they are keeping up in their own businesses.

The same holds true for neighbors and co-workers. Even others in your industry that might be in other markets.

Why is this? Because you’re getting information. You’re not just mindlessly scrolling through cat videos. More importantly, you’re continuing to grow and sharpen your skills. Or increasing your exposure to new opportunities that you may never have known about.

The result is simple – and obvious – you make more money. Bottom line.

But there’s another intangible to this, too. You’re gaining visibility. And just as importantly, you’re really never going to be overwhelmed, for one simple fact. You’re too busy and people know it.

When you fill up your schedule, you’re going to fill up your pockets, too.

My team and I are more than happy to answer your questions and even make some recommendations. Give us a call or send us a message through our contact form and let’s get you on the right track!