Creating management systems and solutions in your business will help you and your team better manage time and productivity. As well, it will help you recapture and put to valuable use the free time created. It will mean less time – often far less time – chasing your tail and “doing” other unproductive activities.

Creating Management Systems

Once you’ve created a system, and maybe you realize it’s not working for you or perfect, how can you fix it?

Well, keep reading!

Numbers Don’t Lie

As a “numbers person” I have to live in the world of quantifying answers. The IRS doesn’t care if my clients “think” they’re profitable, they deal in the absolutes of numbers.

Numbers don’t lie. And that’s the attitude you must have when it comes to quantifying the results your innovations are generating.

How do you know if your innovation works? Simple! Look at the statistics before the innovation, and look at them afterwards!

Assessing the Impact Of Systems

If you create a new or improved management system or process to speed up the sales process, then you should see a higher number of new clients as you compare the before and after data.

On the other hand, you also need to look deeply into things. If you’re closing at a higher rate, then you need to ensure that other systems aren’t negatively impacted.

For example, when you sold to a bunch more “new” clients, did you swamp your fulfillment team?

Metrics for Unintended Consequences

Unintended consequences are also metrics you need to make sure to study.

Quite frankly, if you’re really making improvements, then your quantifying data will help you pinpoint the places that need innovation and creation.

It’s a “chicken and egg” challenge. But one that allows you and your business to constantly grow.

And that’s the core of the entire process we’re outlining this month! An easy way to continuously innovate within your company – and NOT get caught up in the constant game of “catch-up.”

Now is a good time to look at the changes you want to make and to really study on the results you expect to see

  • What are the metrics you’ll look at?
  • What are the things that “should” change as a result of the systems and/or process(es) you’re creating?

These will be the key to your success, and more importantly, they’ll be the reason that you and your company grow when others are struggling – or shrinking.

Creating Management Systems: The Secret

The secret to creating management sytems lies in focusing on the fact that every business is going to change and being open to that change. And communicating and teaching your people how easily your company is going to be able to make those changes.

When they see the business smoothly executing and navigating changes and creating solutions, they’ll not only respond favorably. They’ll be “on board’ with the innovations you’re making.

My team and I are more than happy to answer your questions and even make some recommendations. Give us a call or send us a message through our contact form and let’s get you on the right track!