Mission & Business Systems In 2020

Is it time to refocus on why you became a business owner and your business systems? Doing so can cause you to dig into all the possibilities and opportunities. Even in a crazy year like 2020.  

In this post, I want to focus on the importance of the mission of your company.  I don’t mean this as a “Mission Statement”. But rather, the systems your company uses to achieve its goals.  The mission, as I see it, is everything needed for you, your team, and your business to be successful. To successfully create the client experience you dreamed of when you first began to contemplate opening your own company.  

I think this is by far the hardest part of building a successful business – especially if you are in a professional or medical field.  Think about it – as a CPA, we’re highly trained to do specific jobs, NOT pass them off on others.  

The same is true for doctors, attorneys, and skilled men and women in the trades.  

We’re so used to doing the technical elements of a job, the idea of systemizing them – or even organizing them – is like speaking a foreign language.  

And because of that, we rarely spend the time to build or design systems that can make our businesses run better, or more efficiently, or more profitably.  Or, by the time we do build those systems, we’ve been fighting to survive so long, we’re exhausted by the idea of making the effort to do all that work!

Creating A Real Operating System Is Difficult

Now, the truth is, physically creating a real “operating system” for your business to run on is terribly difficult. In essence, it’s creating and putting in place all the manuals and training programs needed to successfully remove yourself from daily operations, hiring, and training. 

I’m not going to tell you it’s not needed, because it is.  

But it takes a lot of effort to do it. And trying to complete such a task in a week – or even a month – would be impossible.  

Is Your Business Replicable?

On the other hand, for the man or woman who does take the time and make the effort, the results are often unbelievable. 

Why?  Simply put, the business they have designed becomes replicable. And, honestly, your business also becomes far easier to actually run.    

If you’ve come this far with me, perhaps you’re ready to go a little further.  As a business owner, I regularly challenge myself to build these types of systems. And I keep refining them too. And I have seen how, in the long run, every system we build makes our business easier to run and easier to keep track of.  

Have you struggled with your company’s mission? then I can’t tell you how important it is to spend time on your business systems beginning right now!