Say Yes!

For those of you who read all the emails we share each month, this one might feel like déjà vu. But it’s something that I’m really passionate about.

Just say “yes.”

Whatever it is, say yes to it.

New project at work? Say yes.

Kid wants to go to the park? Say yes.

Significant other wants to go out to that new restaurant? Say yes!

Of course there are times when you have to place an asterisk (*) over that “yes”. But for the most part filling up your days with things that need doing will only do positive things. Make you more money, continue to drive you to the top of your field, and make sure things are as good as possible as at home.

Taking Advantage?

Now, this isn’t to say that you let people – or even family – take advantage of you.

You can and should say no in plenty of cases. In general, though, go for it!

Moving Through It or Merely Observing

The world is a strange place. And when we begin to actually move in and through it, instead of merely observing it or watching it pass us by, the results can be dramatic.

Your boss finally sees the hard work you’re putting in. Without you having to draw his or her attention to it.

Your spouse realizes how important spending time is with you.

Your family notices that you have far more focus than you usually do. And you are still 100% involved with their lives, too.

What’s not to like?

Fast & Productive Last Quarter of 2020

So even though it’s been a crazy year, make this last quarter of 2020 go by faster and make it far more productive than you could ever have dreamed.

There’s no need to sit back and worry, or complain. Now’s the best time we’re ever going to get to say yes!

My team and I are more than happy to answer your questions and even make some recommendations. Give us a call or send us a message through our contact form and let’s get you on the right track!