Your Beliefs Impact Business Success

As I mentioned last week, all the “Doom and Gloom” of 2020 has reminded me how critical your beliefs are to your business success.  It all begins when you take the dream you’ve created of your new company and make it into a reality and open those doors for the first time.  

But how many companies struggle with that?  (Hint, most of them!)

How many entrepreneurs like you and I lose sight of that dream before they can ever be successful?

Where Your Business Success Vision Kicks In

In 2020, so many things have conspired against us, it’s easy to lose sight of the ideas – the dreams – we founded our companies on. But how did you develop that dream into something tangible?  That’s where your vision has to be kicking in.  

When you opened the doors, what was the vision you had?  Even if you won’t admit it, you had one.  Can you remember?  

Tom Watson, the man who largely put IBM on the map, did.

In his mind’s eye, his vision of IBM was as a fully formed company.  He saw the blue suits, he saw the global reach, he saw the transformative technology that would transform the company – then known as CTR (Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company) – into the international powerhouse that was and is IBM.

Remember The Vision

Can you see it in your own business?  You remember the dream from last week, but can you remember the vision you had for your business?  

The lives you were going to impact.  

The great results your company was going to have on your ideal clients and customers?  

Why, after some time has passed, is it so hard to believe you can’t do that every single day? Even in such a crazy world as we’re living in right now?  

The truth is, you can.  No matter about COVID, fires, riots, unrest in the cities, a Presidential election that will undoubtedly lead to more drama, and the oft-discussed “second wave” that health care professionals cannot agree on.  

You can.  

Your Clients Still Need What You Have To Offer

Use the old vision to improve the one you see right now.  

Your clients still need what you have to offer!  Maybe they aren’t sure how to access it, or they are worried about the costs.  

Your vision is still 20/20. But maybe you simply have to be more creative in your approach to ensure business success. 

Remember, the same confusion that’s affecting you and yours are affecting all of your clients, too.  

Fulfill The Dream, Be Realistic With Your Vision

So what should you do?  Reconnect with that vision and use what you’ve learned to decide if that vision of your company is still the right one. 

Maybe 2020 has taught you that “brick and mortar” isn’t the direction you need to go.  That’s fine!  Just look at how our focus has shifted to the virtual world in such a short time.  In fact, online retailers – and even professionals like CPAs, attorneys, and medical experts – are doing the majority of their business virtually.  

The vision you opened your doors with may or may not be perfect for our situation right now, but the beauty of that is simple:  your vision is only to support your dream. 

You can still fulfill the dream by simply being realistic with your vision.  Make the changes your clients want and re-engage with them!