Drag It ALL Into The Daylight, And Quit Worrying!

Let’s just go ahead and drag it ALL into the daylight:  2020 has been tough. It has been a year of worrying for many business owners.  Economies locked down, businesses shuttered, social activities and even traditional types of business and learning have virtually ceased to exist.  

Even mundane things like “going to the movies” or watching sports have all been impacted.  


Over and over again, my team and I have heard the worry in people’s voices as we’ve discussed plans on how small businesses can cope with this, and the truth is simple:  you either think you can (and you will) or you think you can’t (and you won’t).

Now, of course, we’re headed into what is promising to be a crazy Fall, with elections at every level and plenty of discord around the world.  

Let me tell you something, if that has you worrying – or proceeding cautiously as an entrepreneur, then you’re doing it wrong.  

Keeping Inspired & Thinking About Growth & Success In Business

This month, my goal is to share one key idea each week to keep you inspired and thinking about growth and success in business. Instead of worrying, to help shut down the “noise” that’s affecting (or infecting?) us every day.  

Think about it: “bad” economies and tough times have made far more fortunes than good times.  Besides – what have you got to lose!

I want to start the month off on the right foot, though, and the first thing to think about, as you consider how to grow and be successful in business no matter what is this:  What did you open the doors of your company for in the first place?

What Was Your Dream?

In other words, what was your dream?  What were you and your company going to do so differently than everyone else in your industry?  

Can you even remember, or has that passion been lost in all the noise of stress, growth, and “busy-ness”?

THAT’S what the most successful businesses in the world haven’t forgotten – why they do what they do.  

McDonald’s – like it or not – knows what they do and how to do it.  

Starbucks – even with so many stores shuttered – knows what they do and how to do it.  

Never Lose Sight Of The Dream

All over the world, businesses ranging from personal coaches to real estate investors are all making money and NOT stressing. Why? Because they have never lost sight of the dream they were founded on.  

Can you say the same thing?  

I really hope you can. But, as so many phone calls and conversations in my career have shown me, it’s often not the case.  


Make time this week to reflect on why you opened the doors and the reasons you did it. And then, be honest with yourself as to whether or not your company is still upholding the dream you set out to create.  

Of course, I’m always open to hearing your thoughts, so don’t be a stranger!

P.S. Notice I didn’t mention anything about taxes?  That’s NOT an accident, but we are absolutely focusing on the fourth quarter right now.  If you’ve got some worries, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and set a time to discuss ANY challenges you think you have!